Sunday, August 25, 2024

After 4 years!

 My last post was in year 2020 and we are in year 2024. Time indeed flies :D

Hard to squeeze in the updates of the events transpired in the last 4 years but whatever has happened, it happened for good.

Trust, faith and love - within and outside - has helped me to grow in my life. Life at times takes a sudden turn - can be for good or bad. All depends how we react to the events.

** Not in touch with P******* anymore - she has things to deal by herself and thinks she doesn't need anyone else. So be it. 

** Met some amazing people through our book club.

** Monthly book club meet has helped me a lot in understanding the perspectives of others and of course, books written by the people. Fiction has its own beauty and will take you to another world :)

** Physical attraction - can become so strong that it can take over your mind :P Top it with the voice and personality of the person. Add to it - his golden heart - that's it - you are done with your life :P

** There is so much to explore and experiment - places and its essence. Not to forget - food. Skipping a meal is not a bad idea - tested it in the past year and still going strong :)