Friday, December 28, 2012

That mesmerising night

Day passed by and it was good being Friday :) except few people at work things were good. Now 4 days break ... Ahhhhaaaa...

While on my way back to home today got completely lost on thoughts. Suddenly I realised that Rajeev used to be great guy once upon time. He always made me smile no matter how bad my mood used to be.somewhere down the lane I somehow missed all the old folks. I took my cellphone and instantly dialled Rajeev's number without giving it a thought.he said he would call back Ashe was at work and tomorrow would be day to talk - being weekend. He sounded in a good chirpy voice and mood- so that's a good sign.

Few days back again while coming back from work I looked up and started to stare at the street lights which were shining brightly on the sides of the road. The more I looked t it and swiftly got transfered to my Delhi days. That feeling was awesome. I completely lost  myself to Delhi thoughts. There was something mesmerising about those lights. It was one unexplainable feeling I went thru that day.

Feeling tired and wanted to sleep now. Neck pain still troubles me. Add on to it the ear pain. Bhudaapa aa gaya, Sally! Good night !

1 comment:

Jack said...

L G,

Caught up with all pending posts. Relax. You know that famous saying - Que Sera, Sera Sera. Just live your life as you wish to. Be your self and do what you feel is OK as per your conscience. I am sure God has better plans for you.

Take care