Its been a while that I updated this space. For the past few days I've been thinking of jotting down my thoughts here but I did not feel like. Probably because i did not had much time in my hand.
Latest from my end is that i am back from my US trip. The trip lasted for 2 weeks.Visiting a country where society is liberal, culture is not the same as of ours was indeed a good experience.I missed the Indian food upto that extent that I counted days for my return trip.
Transportation, be it travelling thru Bart or Bus, was something which I found new. Buses were all air-conditioned (not a big deal) but was disabled friendly (facility which is yet to make its presence felt in majority of the 'areas' in India). Commuting thru Bart was a new experience to me because I never got the oppotunity to travel in Metro here. Road rules: We give a damn to the traffic rules. But there people follow them strictly. In the entire trip I did not get to hear any car/vehicle honking on the road. It seemed as if the cars were not fitted with horn.
Pedestrians were given due respect on roads. And thats something which we cant talk about :D
Food, man I missed my Indian food like hell. I tried tea once but it tasted aweful to me. So I promised myself to taste the other cup back in India. It was coffee in the early morning hours. Breakfast was good. Loads of fruits, fruit juices, sosages, ham-omelette, yoghurt, milk, muffins, fried-potatoes, etc ---- thats the breakfast menu. I survived on mostly on burgers because that was what I had in my lunch & dinner.
For Americans the dinner starts at 6 in the eve. But we managed to have our food during our prefered time which was not fixed for those 12 days.
Weather somehow got me confused. I wasnt sure whether I have to put moisterizer or its the sunscreen lotion to protect my skin from getting tanned. It used to be sunny in the daytime but the night & early morning hours were chilly. Jo bhi tha acha tha. But I cant forget the trip to san Francisco were I was almost freezed to death. I wasnt aware that we would be visiting bay area that sunday. I forgot to take my jacket along with me. Those were the 2 mistakes which I did for that day. When we reached San Fran, we were exposed to the weather which atleast i did not expected.It was chilly. When we crossed Golden gate Bridge I had the feeling that probably I might not survive. But I survived & here am sharing my experiences.
Shopping was all fun.I picked up less stuff as I felt that we have got everything here. Only the electronic stuff I found it less expensive there.Less shopping stuff doesnt mean that I went for shopping once or twice. Man, it was almost every other day that one can find us in BestBuy OR Target. It was mostly Target that we guys hopped into.
Getting to speak to my close friends in US is one thing which I miss here.I get to speak to all of them. N' the best part was that they were not annoyed when I called them when it was not even 5 in the morning. Thanks Saroj...!!! :) Really miss you guys here.
Overall a good experience I had. I did feel homesickness after 2 days of stay there. I was really happy when our place touched down in Delhi's International Airport. I felt good. No matter how badly or how many times I argue with my parents, I realized home is the best place in this world. In this post I almost forgot to mention Heathrow Airport. Man, thats one of the huge & biggest airport. phew..!!!
Thanks librangirl! for sharing ur experiences.Ilive in a very remote area of this country and sometimes get irrritated by the civic sense shown by my fellowmen in my city.someone talking on his bike in the middle of the road without bothering about inconveniences of traffic ,caused by them, is a common scene one can see on our roads.we cant expect a Chandigarh or a DELHI or a Mumbai everywhere but certainly, we shoud start thinking seriously about ourselves.I do not understand why we feel ashamed of or degraded for standing in a queue to get tickets or an application form.when we boast of our very own values we should not forget to imitate the good values of others like disciplnes of Americans or Europians.It does not mean there are no law breakers in these countries but in my view, by and large, people are follwers of law and order and so are those responsible for implementing them.
Ashok, welcome onto this blog & thanks for your input. I totally agree your thoughts.We can adopt good things from Europians & Americans. The prob. with us is that we have got a huge population which needs to be educated abt the rules. And secondary it actually becomes our very own responsibility but we lack ownership in dealing with rules & responsibilities. "chalta hai" is the attitude of most of the individuals. India is indeed one of the beutiful countries & is no less than USA or Europe. I missed the vibrant energy of Delhi & its people there.Our country in real sense needs us so that it can be made a good & beautiful place to live in. N' of course making the lifestyle of people of this country :)
L G,
Good account of your trip. It is nice that you enjoyed except for food part. Wish you more such enjoyable trips.
Take care
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