** I was sitting in the balcony & saw a huge crowd mainly school kids surrounding the flower-wallah. It was unusual. I kept on thinking as what could it be. I even thought that probably he might be selling the flowers for free. But my mother ruled out the possibility. Then it striked that its Teacher's day today. N' my father's b'day. Wishing all the teachers a great day & a good learning year with their students.
** I was going thru the Reader's Digest's August edition. I always read the quotes section. Here are few of them which I liked the most :
"It doesn't take a lot of strength to hang on. It takes a lot of strength to let go." ~ J.C.Watts
"The formula for a happy marriage? It's the same as the one for living in California: When you find a fault, don't dwell on it." ~ Jay Trachman
I couldnt go beyond the quotes section after I witnessed the covered sky with black clouds. It was all different & felt the mornings of Manali. :) Misty mornings & cloudy skies. Couldnt stop myself & kept the book aside. Not every morning is as beautiful as it was today.
** Its been an year now with this project & I've had the pleasure & the honour to work with one of the experienced, talented and amazing people of IT sectors specially Indians. B*** & S**** n' his team has been a source of inspiration for me at times. 'S' is a perfect combination of authority & knowledge. Such a down to earth individual he is. My immediate managers dont stand anywhere if I compare him with them. At times I had wished that I report into a manager like him. Last time when I had this wish - 3-4 years back- 'he' was my mentor (Deepak- someone whom I still consider my mentor & guide- n' whom i had a terrible crush ;-)). Anyways.... But the time which I had in the past one year was fun. We cribbed but we worked hard & enjoyed our work. It was all fun. Change is constant.One should be adaptable to changes - thats what he said once. I really miss the times I had in ASG & here. Specially the people whom I've worked with & the ones who used to sit next to me.
** Orkut scares me these days. Only bcz of the reason that when I access my account I saw lot of pics on babies posted by my friends. Good & am happy for them. But then it realizes me that am approaching 30 n' I havent found a life partner yet. Thats something which drives me nuts at times. Right now am single & happy about the way my life is shaping up. When something has to happen it will. I still believe in love & an institution called 'marriage'.
L G,
Please convey Belated Many Many Happy Returns of the Day to your father. Happy marriage really depends on not dwelling on fault. Change is constant way of life. One needs to adapt to it at every step in life. I do look forward to see you with partner who has compassion and understanding to keep you happy. I am sure it will happen soon.
Take care
God bless you, you've been such a nice friend to me. Remember the day I called you, I was feeling very low then but after talking to you I felt relaxed, good and satisfied. You showed me a very new way of looking at things. You theory of looking at happiness in small packages worked for me. Thank you so much for every thing. May you find your dreams coming true soon :-)
Good read :)..nice way to put together all the thoughts of the day!! ..keep writing
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