Finally I made an effort to 'cook' something though it wasnt actually. i made an effort today to make chatpatta bhelpuri. So in the eve, I took out the packet, cut it open & found the receipe inside it. So as per the instructions, I took a potato, to boil it kept it inside the oven for 10 mins. My innerself kept telling me that I should have kept the potato in a bowl half-filled with water but ignored. I got busy in peeling the onion & then after several minutes saw my mom running towards the oven. man.... it was smoke coming out of the oven. My mother quickly turned off the oven from the main switch. N' I like a dumb ass kept looking at it as what went wrong. The potato was all back & it was weighing light like a ball. The bowl in which I kept this 'ball-turned' potato had a hole. WOW.... nice way of starting off with my culinary skills. :D My mom then lend me a helping hand. I cut those dhaniyas & onions in small pieces. Of course the 2nd successfully boiled potato was smashed into pieces as well. Then the mixture was mixed with all of these ingredients along with the chutney n' pomegranate. It tasted nice! Everyone at home tasted the bhelpuri including our maid. :)
Its Abhai's bday today. N' after speaking to him in the day I really feel & wish that he gets engaged/married soon to the lady of his choice. I felt as if he has lost interest in small things which can make him happy. Like a friend I try to help you but u dont listen to me. Anyways, all the best, dude!
L G,
Not fair. You post a tempting picture without invitation to taste real. Very bad.
Take care
Jack, :) :) Next time I guess :)
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