Sunday, November 1, 2009

Its time to say goodbye...

Came to know today that my crush has left the organization. I'll surely miss him n' will remember him as someone who always wore a smile on his face. My morning shifts n' travel back to home in the bus wont be same again. He is someone who touched my life at that time when I was looking forward to something 'new' & fresh in my life. I wanted to get out of 'something' & in a way he helped me to achieve it. Thank you so much P*****! Wish you all the best in life! N' wish that your life be filled with laugh & smile...Always! I'll always remember you as one of the smart & decent guys I came across & with whom I cherished going to the office every morning. Thank You!


Abhishek said...

Ohhh That's sad... not seeing the one you want to see the most is painful.

These crushes at times really CRUSH you.. Don't they?

Jack said...


Nice of you to wish him all the best even when you are feeling so sad.

Take care

Librangirl said...

Aby, Yes do they but then I believe there has to be some charm in ones busy life. :)

I guess thats what life is all about :)