Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Trip n' that special someone

I am tired after a day's work & a 4-hour night's sleep after a tiresome journey..

We left for Nagercoil on Thursday & came back yesterday night. Though it was a short trip but a nice one. I got to play with my puss cat (Pussy cat) & fed him whenever possible. Then there was baby puss cats too (kittens) - had an amazing time with them. As I am writing this post am missing them terribly.

Our flight was rescheduled/postponed from its original time by an hour or so. So accordingly we had to change our connecting flight from B'lore - courtesy Jet Airways/Jet lite. To kill the time through out the journey I had to do something. So at Trivandrum Airport at the book stall i picked up Chetan Bhagat's '2-states - the story of my marriage'. Somehow I liked his style of writing. He pitched in with humour in this story in a nicely way. I've enjoyed reading this book throughout my journey & glued to it till we landed in Delhi. I've completed 162 pages of this book & still some 100 more to go.

And somehow after going thru this book, i remembered am missing all that in my life rather i should say its just not there in my life. Its precious and makes life a lot easier.

I guess i need a good night's sleep now. Will continue this later.....

I pray that every individual n' every human being on earth feels the warmth of love n' it never leaves them......

1 comment:

Jack said...

L G,

True. Love makes life complete. Hope you do find true love again.

Take care