Monday, September 26, 2011


Had my haircut today after a gap of 65 days :) And I paid Rs.400 for this cut.

In Delhi a haircut like this had cost me Rs.200 and I dont have to worry about it for the next 6 months.

People here in B'lore think that everyone has got loads and tons of money and they make ways to extract money from others be it auto drivers, beauticians at the Parlour or assistance at the dept. stores. Arrey bhai money pplant $$$ nahi barsaata hai 

Anyways I hope that this cut would last for another couple of months. I went for my last hair cut to the same parlour for which they changed me Rs.225

Went to another mall this gone weekend - I found good suit pieces but now the next problem is to find  a good tailor. I am telling you - thats going to be a very big challenge! :)



Jack said...

L G,

Glad that you are finding feet there now. Hope you do not get cheated.

Take care

Ellen said...

Dear Celina,

So you're now in Bangalore. Transition and change. We all go through that at some point or another in our lives. But we adapt. It's goodbye and hello.

You do right by taking in the sites of the new city you're in, get to know it better.. and later the people when you meet new friends. You'll soon the discover that nothing much is changed... people are the same in most everything .. in the basic things of life and living.

Whether you'll like it or not will depend on you ... on how you see it with your eyes, mind, or heart. But give it a chance; give yourself a chance to like it. There's no perfect place or people. It's only in the familiarity of your experiences with it that shapes your preferences for the older one.

But new is also good --- new adventure, challenges, experiences, encounters, discoveries. And out of these will be born a new set of preferences and likes. It will also touch your life as the older one you left behind has.

Wish you all the best. Take care. Blessings to you and your family.
