Monday, May 19, 2008

Week-off on Monday

Another week-off but I wont mind staying back home to do some cleaning stuff. We would be moving out soon from here. My brother has packed almost all his stuff. My father has warned me not to keep those "oldie" books. He wants me to clear the shelf & the almirah which are all loaded with my stuffs. I cant throw away those bools so easily. I can need them anytime. And I know this too that my father wont accept this reason. Anyways I know how to pack my stuff :D but have to do it smartly ;-)

In this cleaning drive, my father came up with his old stuff. Yeah. those letters written to him by my grandpa & grandma - dates back to 1982. And the passport owned by my grandpa which dates back to July,1944. 1944- British Era, pre-independence era..... N' my grandpa looked smart in that black-white photograph of his time. That reminds me that one day I would be getting older.

One of my relative (relatives'relative) had asked a picture of mine( me w/o glasses). That I consider rubbish & crap. I wear glasses almost througout the day. God knows what she was looking for in the pic. without those glasses. A guy has to accept me with those glasses. So no point taking them off while shooting a pic. And my mom is after my life to get a pic. clicked w/o glasses. And one of the other relative had asked my parents to get the exact measurement of my height which was already done some months back. God knows whats wrong with these people...!!! This is final:: Neither am I going to done any photo shoot for myself nor giving out any exact measurement of my height. I would prefer to live like this rather than giving out minute details of my height , etc etc......Probably tomorrow they might come up stupid questions like whtz the power of the lenses which I wore, how do i walk- with one leg or the with both ..... crap crap crap crap.......

Weather outside is too good man. Reminds me of my Naani ji's place. Its pleasant there like this almost throughout the year.

1 comment:

pRADdy said...

ah last year when we changed homes, i had to do a lot of sneak-ins after being repeatedly told by my mom to throw all old stuffs!

hehe now they are all safe in my room :P and mom thinks i threw them off :D