I was so happy that from today onwards i was suppose to be 'in' the day shift. But then change is one word which can trickle in from anywhere... you never know. well, from tuesday onwards for this week i am kept in evening shift for some training. Only training n' no work... well i wont mind :)
I wish that puppet makers in India starts coming out with a prototype of a zoozoo. Laughing & smiling zoozoo. I'll buy not one but two of them n' will keep them near my bed. Because that part is also visible from the main room as well as from my parents room. Moreover, they can help me to be in a positive frame of mind no matter what. Their smile & laugh cracks me. Love you... muaaaah...!!!
There are few numbers which when heard reminds me of someone or the other even today:
1. Masakali : Reminds me of Lalit as he had set this number as his caller tune.
2. Ji Karta (Singh is King): Pragalb.... :)
3. Singh is King : Sachin
4. Mera tughse ka : Bhupinder & his co.
It was really nice to have spoken to Saroj, sheetal & Shruti after a long time. Shruti is coming back from Australia after her month long training ended this friday. She sounded happy. N' I can very well understand this because i was almost on Cloud9 when we landed on IGI Airport after a 15 days training in US. It feels special to be back with our own people, our own land & amidst our culture. N' of course our folks & siblings :) I dont see myself settling outside this country. Because I know I would be alone.
I was going thru one of the dailies n' came across this article on Jennifer Aniston. It was written that she still hasnt got over her relationship with Brad Pitt. I really feel bad for that lady because I've seen her work in one of the most popular shows 'Friends'. She along with her colleagues had made many of us laugh & forgot our worries. I am no one to comment on someones personal life/tragedy. But I do feel for that lady. Its not that easy to end a marriage but I wish that she finds someone who can make her forget her past. Everyone has the right in this world to be loved & to be happy. She is no exception. Money & fame cant get you everything in life. It is just a step towards fulfillment of your 'wants'.
I love her. Her is my mother here. She's been my source of strength these days along with zoozoo & Elmo :D I really wish that I get her as my mother in all my births. I dont have words to describe her but she's the one who along with my father completes my world. Words wont be sufficient to thank her for everything she has done for me from the day she gave birth to me. Even at this age she still considers me one of her babies at times :D I love you ma n' pa ! You complete me because I am part of you!
आपकी ब्लोगींग हमको पसंद आई । ब्लॉग्गिंग जारी रखिये । हमारे ब्लॉग पर भी पधारिये । धन्यवाद्
East or west Home is the best. I agree with you money can not buy your peace and happiness. No matter how much you try you can never repay mother's debt.
Take care
I couldn't stop myself from smiling endlessly after reading your song list and the memories you've of them.
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