Was completely stressed out by the events which occurred in the past week on my personal as well as on my professional end. To start with my personal end, I was made to meet a man & talk to him for 5-10 mins. I found those 10 mins the hardest moments of my life. To start with the story- this proposal was sent by my very own mamaji , reason- the guy is good & he is working in Delhi for the past few years. My parents went to see him initially. Then they decided to call the boy at our place so that 'we' (I and the boy) can 'see' each other. I had split off last week so wanted to relax on my week off but then meeting the boy was made the priority for me for that one day. I hated it but then ws left with no choice. Finally they guy came with his cousin & an uncle. Initially I was confused as who is the 'eligible boy' but somehow figured it out after few minutes of talk. His cousin did the entire talking part. N' i did not like the guy on the first instance. I thought they'll leave after few minutes. But the boy'cousin pushed 'us' to talk for few minutes though I wasnt quite interested. God, those were the toughest and the hardest minutes of my entire lifetime. I knew how I managed to talk to him. I did not ask any questions. He had questions which I answered honestly. There was some pressure from my parents to say "yes" to this proposal but I straightaway said "No" because it was a big NO from my side. Thats it. Period.